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Social Business Evolution Starts Now!

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Via Convince&Convert

Is today the day we start thinking about social media as part of an integrated program?

My friends at ExactTarget announced a moment ago that they have acquired CoTweet, the leader in enterprise Twitter management, and will be building a social products lab to add tie-ins for Facebook, YouTube, and other elements of the social communication ecosystem. All members of the CoTweet team, including uber-sharp CEO Jesse Engle will stay on board, and the CoTweet name will continue. This is the first salvo in what I anticipate will be a flurry of moves to bring together email and social media into a coherent whole. As I wrote just a couple weeks ago, email and social media are more alike than different, and the major corporations that comprise much of the customer bases of ExactTarget and CoTweet are embracing that concept. Really, what is social media from the brand perspective but email 2.0? A way to remain top-of-mind with your customers, in a way that’s (hopefully) relevant and engaging. Not the ready, fire, aim email that’s the bane of your inbox, but smart, contextual email that sends the right message to the right person at the right time.

That’s been ExactTarget’s territory for a long time, and extending that concept of message-centric, platform-agnostic to social media is a natural fit. And the fact that Forrester Research projects social media spend in the U.S. to be larger than email by 2012 doesn’t hurt, either.

4 Milestones to Social Business

There are numerous granular issues to consider, and it will be fascinating to watch ExactTarget and CoTweet work out the operational details (I might even get to help a little, as ExactTarget is a client), but I see 4 primary hurdles that have prevented the full synergy of social and email to-date. This move will start to eliminate all of these obstacles:

1. Personnel Integration

2. Database Integration

3. Messaging Integration

4. Metrics Integration

Written by Daniel Casarin

marzo 6, 2010 at 10:33 am

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Social Media & Small Business

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via EMarketer

Most small businesses satisfied with results. A difficult economy has helped spur small businesses to adopt social media marketing in greater numbers, according to “The State of Small Business Report” from Network Solutions and the Center for Excellence in Service at the University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business. Social media usage increased to 24%, from 12% the year before. The most common usage of social media among small business was a company page on a social networking site, followed by posting status updates.

Social Media Tactics Used by US Small Businesses, December 2009 (% of respondents)

Small businesses’ expectations of social media seem roughly to be in line with their experiences, although they are not quite as successful as they had hoped. Respondents’ top accomplishments were customer acquisition and placing their own businesses within the market, but did not meet expectations fully. Social media’s capabilities for staying engaged with consumers and collaborating with other businesses, however, were more in line with businesses’ expectations.

Performance of Social Media Tactics According to US Small Businesses, December 2009 (% of respondents)

Most small businesses say they are just breaking even with their current usage of social media, but a solid one-fifth find it profitable already. Businesses are positive about the potential as well: Nearly one-half believe it will make them money in the next 12 months, and another 39% think they will break even on it. Just 9% think social marketing will continue to be a losing proposition.

Current and Potential Impact of Social Media Marketing on Their Business According to US Small Businesses, December 2009 (% of respondents)

Overall, 58% of respondents felt social media lived up to their expectations. One-half felt it took up more time than they realized, but only 6% claimed negative comments on social media had hurt their business. “Social media levels the playing field for small businesses by helping them deliver customer service,” said Janet Wagner, director of the Center for Excellence in Service, in a statement. “Time spent on Twitter, Facebook and blogs is an investment in making it easier for small businesses to compete.” Previous research on small businesses and social media use revealed a somewhat rocky relationship. A Citibank study indicated social media was not working well for small businesses’ lead gen efforts, but other data showed small companies would be upping spending in the channel.

Why Social Media Is Worth Small Business Owners’ Time

via BusinessWeek

YouTube (GOOG). Flickr (YHOO). Digg. Metacafe. Stumbleupon. Technorati. Kaboodle. Fark. Furl. Swik. Mixx. Are social media tools like these the future or simply new ways to waste time? Can’t we slow this train down?

Unfortunately, we can’t. But if you think about it, we don’t want to either. The Web is a vital source of innovation, and it levels the playing field between small businesses and corporate giants. The only problem is keeping up with the pace of its rapid (some would say rabid) advances. Taking advantage of all the Web has to offer is like eating your vegetables or getting exercise—most of us don’t do enough, and even those that do could always do more.

The first thing I want to encourage you to do is relax. Take a deep breath and release that tightness in your chest. This column isn’t about making you feel stupid for not knowing what is, or chastising you for not having three extra hours a day to spend tweeting and blogging. I simply want to encourage you to get started. (For background on social media, check out this story.)

The Price Is Right

Activity in this universe has thus far been dominated by innovators and early adopters. But now that the early majority is getting in the game (with the late majority right on their heels), the numbers are starting to swell. Facebook, the most popular of the social media sites, has nearly 200 million users worldwide. LinkedIn is like Facebook for professionals, and more than 30 million of us have signed up. And Twitter—not even three years old—tracks thousands upon thousands of instant message “tweets” every day. That spells significant opportunity—whether your customers live around the world or across the street, you can find a lot of them online.

The biggest reason to use social media is that it’s free. You can be a significant player online without laying out any cash, and in this economic environment cash is king more than ever. It does take time, though, and in business time is money. But getting up to speed on social media is like learning to ride a bike; it’s difficult and intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of it you can get where you want to go quickly—and even enjoy the ride.

Think back 15 years or so, to when you first heard of the term “Web site.” Your first thought was probably “What’s a Web site?” quickly followed by “Why would I ever need one of those?” Now, of course, some of the tiniest mom-and-pop shops in the farthest corners of the world do business on the Web. You probably had the same reaction when you first discovered blogs, text messaging, and even e-mail. Many of today’s flavor-of-the-month social networking sites will go the way of the dinosaur, but the medium is here to stay.

Jump Right In

The key to getting on top of social media is not investing a fortune on expensive new initiatives. They key is to get your hands dirty. Pick a site, find a spare hour or two, and sign up. Experience it as a user, and observe how others are using the site. Only in doing that can you come to understand not only how it works, but how it might relate to your company. As outlandish as it may appear at first, there’s probably an application of it for your business.

Let me give you an example. I’m not an early adopter, but I do have a Web site and blog, I use text messaging frequently, and have Facebook and LinkedIn networks. I had been hearing a great deal about Twitter, so I decided to spend part of a recent weekend getting up to speed on it. At first I was lost, but before long I figured out what the community was about and how I wanted to develop my network. I even made a business connection my very first day that made the investment of time more than worthwhile.

Interestingly, I found that, unlike me, most of the people now on Twitter would fit the “early adopter” category; when I searched for a wide variety of clients and other professional colleagues, most of them weren’t there yet. But with that small investment of time, I now have one more social networking tool in my repertoire. And I now know how to fit it into my business practice in a way that isn’t overwhelming or intimidating.

Dividends Within Weeks

If you were to take on, say, one social networking site per month, by the end of ’09 you would be ahead of 90% or more of your peers (and your competitors). And it would have the added benefit of helping you relate to the emerging workforce for whom all of this is second nature. If you do, I’m convinced you’d have at least one new customer, product idea, or other business-building asset to show for it within weeks. Give it a try. Pick a site, log in, and get started. If you find me there, introduce yourself. I’ll be happy to show you around.

Written by Daniel Casarin

marzo 5, 2010 at 10:10 am

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Small Business Trends for 2010

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via Jeff Korhan

The Trends in a Nutshell

  1. Human-Centric Businesses – Business used to be about companies.  Now its about people.
  2. Collaborative Markets – Markets are no longer about selling to buyers, but collaborating with them to develop better and more sustainable solutions.
  3. Sustainable Communities – Organizations of people are evolving from exclusivity to inclusiveness.  This creates more sustainable communities where members place their trust in each other.

The Evolution of this Perfect Storm

All of these trends are simultaneously converging to create a perfect storm of opportunity for businesses, especially small or entrepreneurial business that are characterized as having personal relationships with customers.

If you go back to the late ’50’s and early ’60’s, there was an emerging technology that changed the world of marketing.  That technology was television.  In the midst of an expanding post-World War II economy, middle class consumers embraced television.  Television had reach.  People had discretionary income.  And all of this created a new era of consumerism that helped make many brands household names.

Television was a marketing technology that made everything more expansive by bringing it to a larger stage, and that fit perfectly with the growing economy.  What followed was a love affair with the automobile, highly stylized fashions, and countless consumer products guaranteed to make your life a dream!  Those companies were at the right place at the right time to capitalize on the converging trends of the day. Needless to say, some of those industries and companies are faltering today.

Human-Centric Business is Local

If you are an entrepreneur, YOU are now at the right place at the right time.

The technology that is transforming the business environment in your favor is social media marketing. It is giving everyone a voice at a period when people have gone through some tough experiences.  They want to move forward, but it is still uncertain where this economy is going.  Until that happens, they are looking for people to trust.  This means they are going to be doing business in their local communities.

This is why every Fortune 500 corporation has a presence on social media. They know that business is going local.  They are seeing how social media is leveling the playing field to create equal opportunities for every company. In a nutshell, they want to be more like you.

Your challenge is to be who you are, a human-centric business that is willing to reach out even further than you already have.  Social media is a tool that is ideally suited for that, and most significantly, it’s influence is sustainable.

Written by Daniel Casarin

gennaio 3, 2010 at 2:44 PM

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Enterprise 2.0: How a Connected Workforce Innovates

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via Harvard Business Review

Enterprise 2.0 tools—wikis, tags, Twitter and other microblogs, Google-style searches, and the like—are transforming companies’ innovation processes, according to Andrew P. McAfee, a principal research scientist at the MIT Sloan School’s Center for Digital Business, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and the author of the forthcoming book Enterprise 2.0: New Collaborative Tools for Your Organization’s Toughest Challenges (Harvard Business Press, 2009). McAfee explains why in a recent conversation with HBR senior editor Anand P. Raman.

How do the new social technologies transform innovation efforts?

Companies have traditionally been very specific about who’s going to do the innovating: their designers, engineers, scientists…Those people have the credentials—the right combination of education, experience, success, failure, and so on. More recently, companies have allowed major users of their products to participate in the product-development process.

Some companies now say: Why stop at lead users? Why not let everyone take a crack at helping us develop a new product, improve an existing one, or solve a vexing problem? They no longer specify who can participate in the innovation process; they welcome all comers. Enterprise 2.0 tools are designed to help with these more open innovation processes. In fact, most new types of innovation, such as open innovation and crowdsourcing, are based on these technologies.

Procter & Gamble, which has embraced the open-innovation philosophy, does some smart things on its Connect + Develop website. P&G doesn’t only publicize what it knows and what it can do; it also highlights what it needs. That’s radical; big companies don’t usually display their ignorance. In addition, the company doesn’t restrict itself to product development; it’s looking for new ideas in everything from trademarks, packaging, and marketing models to engineering, business services, and design. Finally, P&G invites everybody to submit ideas—not just prequalified partners. It recently bought the technology for an antimicrobial product from an unknown company that submitted a proposal through the website.

Does the use of Enterprise 2.0 technologies yield better ideas? Won’t a company simply drown in bad ideas?

Keep two things in mind. One, there’s no guarantee that your next innovation challenge is going to look anything like your last one. It might require a fresh perspective or skills that your existing innovators don’t possess. A company that uses Enterprise 2.0 technologies can publicize the challenge widely and collect responses from many people. Two, the community that forms around the challenge can help sift the ideas. People suggest improvements and vote on one another’s ideas, so the best ones eventually rise to the top.

Because of Enterprise 2.0 technologies, good content becomes apparent over time. A good idea isn’t always obvious. For example, Gwabs is a game that lets characters fight one another using the elements on a computer desktop, such as toolbars and icons. It came out of a crowdsourcing start-up, Cambrian House, which solicited ideas from a large community and let them vote. It then had the top vote getters face off in a tournament. The company’s executives thought Gwabs was a pretty dumb idea, but it won the tournament. In fact, investors are now funding the game’s development.

Written by Daniel Casarin

dicembre 21, 2009 at 9:49 am

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Enterprise 2.0: Marketplace 2009

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Latest analysis of the Enterprise 2.0 marketplace for 2009 with over 70 social computing platforms evaluated.

The term Enterprise 2.0 itself is used to describe “emergent, freeform, social” collaboration tools in the workplace. In their simplest form that means blogs, wikis, and social networks and we’re seeing wide adoption of these types of tools in the workplace this year. In fact, nearly half of large companies around the world have these tools in one form or another.

The challenge is that because it’s such an interesting space both in the consumer world and the enterprise, that means there are lots of players including commercial products, SaaS (hosted online), and open source. Sorting them out and figuring out which ones are strong contenders is hard work.

Read the full analysis of the Enterprise 2.0 Marketplace for 2009: Robust and Crowded. The Enterprise 2.0 Marketplace Map is below, you can also click on the visual to expand it to full size. You can get a list of the companies and their segment ranking here.

Map of the Enterprise 2.0 and Social Software Space for 2009 (similar to Gartner Magic Quadrant
Click To Enlarge

The visual is broken down into two primary: incumbent enterprise players that are frequently taking their CMS, DMS, and ECM systems and adding Web 2.0 features such as tagging, blogs, wikis, and user profiles, or Web startups and open source-based firms that have built Enterprise 2.0 apps from the ground up.

There’s a third category that represents the Enterprise 2.0 “Sweet Spot”. Only a few products reached this critical space (marked in green in the upper right) because they are both enterprise savvy and capable as well as had the right ingredients to enable Enterprise 2.0 and create vibrant internal collaborative communities.

Further Reading: The enterprise microblogging marketplace for mid-2009. The folks over at CMS Watch have created their own version of the enterprise social software map as well. You can read the details from Tony Byrne and I’ve included one of their key graphics below:

CMS Watch Social Software Sextant and Map for 2009

Written by Daniel Casarin

novembre 29, 2009 at 10:02 am

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Social Media Marketing e Turismo 2.0

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Ecco le slide dell’intervento di Claudio Vaccaro, che quest’anno era incentrato sul Social Media Marketing per il turismo 2.0: ovvero come strutture turistiche, agenzie e imprenditori del settore turistico in generale debbano e possano improntare una strategia di marketing e PR sui Social Media, incrementando la reputation ed engagement grazie all’approccio conversazionale.

Social Media Marketing per il turismo 2.0

Written by Daniel Casarin

novembre 27, 2009 at 7:21 am

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